Entrepreneurship Summit

Entrepreneurship Summit

After the great and various talks yesterday at the Entrepreneurship Summit (see my highlights), I am looking forward to my jury work at the YouthStart award today: 7 teams from five countries 🚀.

My highlights - Entrepreneurship Summit

Samuel Notz: Global Swiss Learning -

What an exciting startup: The best teach vocational skills for the world - MasterClass for vocational education!

Susan Mueller, BFH, www.udh-ch.ch

Economy is not a law of nature. The economy, if "the" economy exists at all, is a social structure. We shape it! That's why we need more social entrepreneurs!

José Oberson Mau, Movetia – Austausch und Mobilität

Entrepreneurship has often started through encounters abroad. And what! Just 2% from Sek I and Sek II use Movetia for an exchange! We have to work on that (in Basel, too)!

Manfred Pfiffner, PHZH

Hello Switzerland, we are sleeping! We cherish the innovation of today and forget to innovate for tomorrow. 4K, Entrepreneurship education are a must in education!

David Proeschel, DDP-Innovation

Entrepreneur with all his heart. Peak Evolution must follow! (7 vs Wild for Entrepreneurs 😅):


Thank you

Rolf Schmid for the great moderation and Georg Berger, Roman Schöll and Team for the fantastic organization.